PAF 2021-2027

Giovis Dimitrios

Prioritised Action Framework 2021-2027

Developing the PAF 2021-2027

The Greek of Prioritised Action Framework for the period 2021-2027 has a nation-wide scope. It was prepared in 2018-2020 in the framework of the integrated LIFE-IP 4 Natura project (LIFE16 IPE/GR/000002) by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and the Green Fund and was approved by the European Commission in December 2020. For developing the PAF and collecting the proposed measures, a series of open and participatory processes were followed, such as workshops, an open call for submission of measures through an online platform, meetings with representatives of managing authorities of the relevant structural funds, and communication with members of the scientific community and the competent nature protection agencies. With the above actions, the project team achieved the participation of public services executives, expert scientists, members of the academic and research community, Protected Areas Management Agencies and other interested stakeholders in the consultation and submission of proposals for measures.

The selection of measures was based on specific priorities that aim, among other things, to improve the conservation status of species and habitat types for which the Natura sites were designated and face the most intense threats and pressures, the improvement of the Network management, the development of green infrastructure and addressing the problems created by interactions and conflicts between wildlife and human activities.

Funding needs of the Natura 2000 Network

The PAF 2021-2027 incorporates a total of 271 measures for supporting the Natura 2000 Network, which include detailed budgeting and quantitative objectives. At the same time, most of the measures are specialized per region. In the 2021-2027 programming period, the total estimated cost for the Natura 2000 Network in Greece is 1,039 million euros, of which approximately 867 million euros correspond to operating costs and 173 million euros in one-off expenditure / projects’ expenditure. Operating costs are associated with recurring measures that should be continued in the long run (e.g. training projects for management agencies staff, annual payments to farmers for agri-environmental measures), while one-off / project costs are one-off costs usually related to non-recurring actions such as habitat restoration projects, purchase of equipment, etc. A percentage of 9.8% of the estimated total budget is provided for horizontal measures and administrative costs, 64.1% for conservation and restoration measures of habitat types and species habitats in Natura 2000 sites, 12.7% for green infrastructure measures outside the Natura 2000 Network and, finally, 13.4% for additional species-specific measures not related to specific ecosystem types.


Developing trust among the Natura 2000 Network managers and business groups and end-users, as well as building better relationships between all those involved in the management of the Natura 2000 Network, is clearly an important priority for the next funding period (2021-2027). This can be achieved by developing new participatory tools and methods for capacity building. In addition, a challenge for the next period is to increase knowledge about protected habitat types and species of EU interest and to implement targeted and effective management measures to improve their conservation status.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that, within the period that the PAF 2021-2027 was being developed, Greece was in the process of revising, developing and operating a series of structures and tools necessary for the proper management of Natura 2000 sites (e.g. the restructuring of the protected areas governance system, the drafting of Special Environmental Studies, Presidential Decrees and Management Plans for Natura 2000 sites, the development of Thematic Management Plans for the agricultural sector in protected areas, the setting of Conservation Objectives, the development of Action Plans for species and habitats). Therefore, it is estimated that with the legal approval of the Management Plans for Natura 2000 sites, as well as the completion of a number of the above projects, the PAF 2021-2027 will be updated in order to more accurately include all foreseen actions for all sites of the Natura 2000 Network.