PAF 2021-2027

Giovis Dimitrios

PAF 2014-2020 implementation and monitoring

The main objective of the Integrated LIFE Projects is the empowerment and mobilization of the competent authorities for the implementation, at a large scale, of environmental or climate plans or strategies. The LIFE Nature Integrated Projects, like LIFE-IP 4 Natura, aim to implement the Prioritised Action Framework of the Natura 2000 Network for the period 2014-2020.

LIFE Nature Integrated Projects focus on a coherent set of PAF measures or actions for which LIFE is the most appropriate source of funding. Additional complementary measures or actions are financed from other funding sources (EU, national or private funds) and are implemented in addition to LIFE-funded interventions, the aim always being the implementation of the PAF. Complementary actions may be funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), as well as the European Programmes INTERREG and Horizon 2020. In addition to EU funding sources, actions funded by international, national or private resources may also be linked to the project.

The LIFE-IP 4 Natura project contributes to the implementation of the PAF 2014-2020 both through its actions and through the additional funding linked to the project as part of the project’s Grant Agreement with the European Commission. In addition, the mobilization of additional financing is an important prerequisite and integral part of the Integrated Projects. Based on the above, the beneficiaries of the Integrated LIFE Project, together with other relevant public agencies responsible for the complementary actions, are committed to implementing the PAF.

The additional funding of LIFE-IP 4 Natura includes projects financed by the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Green Fund, corresponding to 183 million euros. Linking PAF-related projects to LIFE-IP 4 Natura is a dynamic process that will take place until the conclusion of LIFE-IP 4 Natura in 2025.

Overall, the project contributes to the implementation of 80 out of 103 measures included in the Greek PAF 2014-2020. The actions financed by LIFE-IP 4 Natura contribute to the implementation of 41 PAF measures and the supplementary funding to 78 measures.


The LIFE-IP 4 Natura project contributes to the monitoring of PAF 2014-2020 for the Natura 2000 Network through two processes: the first has to do with the monitoring of the project’s contribution (actions & additional funding) to the implementation of PAF 2014-2020 and the second is about the drafting of a final report on the implementation of PAF 2014-2020.

Regarding the monitoring of the project’s contribution to the implementation of the Greek PAF for the period 2014-2020, this includes the actions of the project that are co-financed by LIFE as well as the actions that are complementary to the LIFE project and are financed by other EU and national sources. The monitoring system is implemented in 2 levels: The 1st level concerns the connection of the project activities with the PAF and more specifically their matching with the PAF measures. The process is dynamic and the tables with the mapping of actions – measures will be constantly updated. The 2nd level is about the PAF implementation monitoring through the 162 monitoring indicators established in the framework of the project. Each PAF priority measure is linked to one up to three monitoring indicators. The completion of the monitoring indicators will be carried out in accordance with the implementation progress of the LIFE-IP 4 Natura project actions and the projects & sub-projects supported from additional funding. Four monitoring reports of the project’s contribution to the implementation of the PAF 2014-2020 will be drafted at the end of each phase of the project (11/201911/2021, 11/2023 and 11/2025). An integral part of the monitoring reports are two tables: the first table links each LIFE-IP 4 Natura project action and each additional funding project to the PAF measures; the second table shows the progress of PAF’s implementation through the project activities.

For the preparation of the final report on the PAF 2014-2020 implementation, all the projects financed within the financing period will be taken into account. Data will be collected for supplementing the MFF monitoring indicators (as mentioned above) in 2 stages, in 2021 for the projects completed up to this date, and in 2023 with the ending of the financing of projects funded by the structural funds of the previous EU multiannual financial framework 2014-2020.