
Alexis Alexandris

National Action Plan for the sea turtle (Caretta caretta)

May 8, 2024
Categories: Press release

Greece hosts important Caretta caretta breeding habitats (about 3,500 nests per year on average) that represent 47% of the annual breeding activity recorded throughout the Mediterranean sea. Sea turtle’s terrestrial and marine breeding habitats are found on Ionian Sea islands, along the Epirus coasts, on western and southern Peloponnese, Crete and sporadically on some of […]

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The 2nd photo competition “Natura 2000 – Click at nature” has been launched!

November 25, 2021
Categories: Press release

After the successful organization of the first photo competition “Natura 2000 – Click at nature!”, which attracted more than 1,000 entries, WWF Greece and the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project partners invite us to become ambassadors of Natura 2000 areas again. In other words, to become ambassadors of the areas where the protected species of flora […]

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9 in 10 Greeks are worried about the environment

December 13, 2018
Categories: Press release

A nationwide poll carried out in the context of the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project, reveals the perceptions of the Greek citizens on nature protection issues. The purpose of the survey was to capture the Greek citizens’ views on issues related to nature protection, with emphasis on the Natura 2000 network, which lies at the heart […]

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