Good news from roosts in the mainland

December 2, 2022
Categories: Announcements

This year’s census of Griffon Vulture at the species roosting sites in the mainland proved to be highly efficient! The two-day census took place in 18-19/11/2022 in the framework of the corresponding synchronized Balkan census.

In the Griffon Vulture census, which is coordinated by the Hellenic Ornithological Society in the framework of the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project and the National Action Plan for scavenger birds, a total of 173 vultures were counted in 13 roosting sites (out of 24 checked), a number 10 to 15% higher than the corresponding counts of the last 2 years. Highlights of the census included 29 Griffon Vultures in roosts within the Dadia National Park – the highest count in the region for a decade, but especially the recording of 58 Griffon Vultures in the Empesos colony (Valtos Mountains), which has been active again for a few years now and exhibits quite remarkable dynamics.

Overall, Aitoloakarnania (Empesos – Valtos Mountains, Akarnanika Mountains, Kleisoura – Arakynthos) is confirmed as a “stronghold” of Vultures in the mainland; the protection of their habitats and the strengthening of conservation actions is a key priority.

In addition to staff and volunteers of the Hellenic Ornithological Society, this year’s census was also supported by NECCA (Management Units of Evros Delta & Dadia National Parks, Epirus, Thessaly, National Park of Messolonghi & PAs of Western Central Greece), but also forestry services (Stavroupolis Forestry Office, Ioannina Forestry Office) and environmental organisations (WWF, Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace).

The census text was published on the website of the Hellenic Ornithological Society: