The first press conference on LIFE-IP 4 NATURA
On May 24, 2018 the first press conference on LIFE-IP 4 NATURA took place at the Green Fund’s premises.
All the project’s partners were represented, stressing the fact LIFE-IP 4 NATURA comes at a crucial moment as far as the protection of the Greek nature is concerned.
The project’s structure and objectives were presented to the journalists, who were also given the project’s brochure.
Mr. Socrates Famellos, Alternate Minister of Environment and Energy, stated that the implementation of the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project is a proof of the government’s determination to effectively address long-standing problems. He also pointed out that one the ministry’s main goals is to enhance the country’s policy on biodiversity loss reversal.
“Through a new institutional framework on Protected Areas’ management and administration, we attract European funds for the benefit of natural environment and threatened species” Mr. Famellos added.
Mrs. Silvia Donato, Project Adviser at EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), stated: “The LIFE Integrated Projects are new instruments supporting the implementation of the ambitious EU environment and policy framework. As such they have a very important strategic role. In Greece, the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project, thanks to its holistic approach to the management of sites, species, habitats and ecosystems of EU importance, will make a substantial contribution to the Natura 2000 network. The project is very ambitious and we look forward to its successful implementation”.