LIFE-IP 4 NATURA begins – The project partners’ kick-off meeting

June 1, 2018
Categories: News

The LIFE-IP 4 NATURA kick-off meeting was held on March 22, 2018, in the Green Fund’s premises.

LIFE-IP 4 NATURA is the first LIFE Integrated Project ever approved for Greece and the biggest nature conservation project -both in terms of duration and funding- ever undertaken by the country.


This project is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEEN), aiming at the implementation of the Greek 2014-2020 Prioritised Action Framework.

Representatives of all project partners participated in the meeting and discussed about the project’s management and monitoring.

Representing MEEN, the ministry’s Secretary General on Environmental Issues, Mrs. Christina Mparitaki, stated: “The implementation of the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA project is a proof of the ministry’s intention to break new ground in the field of nature conservation and address long-standing issues. Our goal is to enhance our natural capital policies and reverse biodiversity losses and, at the same time, to support the ecosystem services enjoyed by the local communities”.


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Earlier this year, on February 6, 2018, Mr. Ioannis Mitsopoulos, the project’s Scientific Coordinator, participated in the kick-off meeting for LIFE16 projects in Brussels, Belgium, in the premises of the European Commission. Mr. Mitsopoulos had the chance to make a presentation on the project’s objectives and actions.

