Actions – Deliverables

Α. Preparatory Actions

A1. Development and legal adoption of Action Plans (APs) for species and habitats of Community Interest

Report on species/habitat selection

Action Plans Draft Specifications

A2. Streamlining, ensuring compatibility and optimising the specifications of all existing species and habitat monitoring data of the NATURA 2000 network at national level

Α3. Mapping and assessment of Ecosystems Services (MAES)

National Set of Ecosystem Services Indicators

Technical – Methodological guide on the determination and assessment of the Ecosystem Types in Greece, and their Ecosystem Services at national, regional and local scale

Α4. Stakeholder mapping and analysis

Preliminary List of Involved Stakeholders with NATURA 2000 sites

Finalized stakeholder grids

C. Specific Conservation Actions

C1. Field implementation of the Action Plans (APs) for species and habitats

C2. Pilot implementation of NATURA 2000 site Management Plans (MPs) in four Greek Regions

C3. Development and Operation of a Decision Support System (DSS) for NATURA 2000 site management

C4. Creation of an interactive and interoperable Public Participation Geographic Information System (ppGIS)/webGIS for ecosystem services visualization and monitoring

C5. Stakeholder capacity building

C6. Implementing Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES) at pilot studies

D. Project’s Impact Monitoring Actions

D1. Monitoring of the project’s contribution to the implementation of Greek Prioritised Action Framework (PAF), the success of the capacity building actions and the mobilization of complementary funds

Monitoring protocol of the Greek Prioritised Action Framework 2014-2020

D2. Monitoring the environmental impact of the implementation of Natura 2000 sites Management Plans (MPs)

D3. Monitoring the environmental impact of the implementation of the APs at national scale

D4. Monitoring of the project’s ecosystem functions

D5. Monitoring of the project’s socio-economic impact

E. Communication and Dissemination Actions

Ε1.  Communication and Dissemination

Public Opinion Survey

Project brochure – 1st edition

Project_brochure – 2nd edition

Brand Guidelines manual

Promo video

Ε2. Replication and transfer of projects results and achievements nationally and on an EU level

F. Project Management and Monitoring Actinos

F1. Project Structure and Management

F2. Coordination of Complementary Funds