A.1 Development and legal adoption of Action Plans (APs) for species and habitats of EU Interest
Report on species/habitat selection [summary] [deliverable]
Action Plans draft specifications [summary] [final draft] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the habitat type 2250* Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for three vulture species (Gypaetus barbatus, Gyps fulvus, Aegypius monachus) [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for Greek native Salmo species (Salmo farioides, Salmo lourosensis, Salmo macedonicus, Salmo pelagonicus, Salmo peristericus) [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the species Pelophylax cerigensis [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the species Parnassius apollo [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the species Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the conservation of the species *Silene holzmannii [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
Action Plan for the sea turtles (LIFE Euroturtles) [summary] [full study] [Official Government Gazette]
A.2 Streamlining, ensuring compatibility and optimising the specifications of all existing species and habitat monitoring data of the NATURA 2000 network at national level
Report on input data protocols and geodatabase structure [summary] [deliverable]
Α.3 Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES)
Technical-methodological guide on the determination and assessment of the ecosystem types in Greece and their ecosystem services at national, regional and local scale [summary] [deliverable]
National set of ecosystem services indicators [summary] [deliverable]
Ecosystem type map of Greece inside Natura 2000 SACs (scale 1:5,000) [summary] [deliverable]
Ecosystem type map of Greece outside Natura 2000 SACs (scale 1:50,000) [summary] [deliverable]
Ecosystem services priority areas [summary] [deliverable]
Ecosystem types’ condition and ecosystem services maps of Greece [summary] [deliverable]
Report on Integrated Natural Capital Accounting for Greece [summary] [deliverable]
Α.4 Stakeholder mapping and analysis
Preliminary list of stakeholders [summary] [deliverable]
Finalized stakeholder grids [deliverable]
Stakeholder mapping and analysis report [summary] [deliverable]
List of stakeholders (stakeholder report Annex I) [deliverable]
Stakeholder influence and interest analysis (stakeholder report Annex II) [deliverable]
Stakeholder grids (stakeholder report Annex III) [deliverable]
Stakeholder grids in focus groups (stakeholder report Annex IV) [deliverable]
Updated list of stakeholders (2021) (stakeholder report Annex VI) [deliverable]
Οδηγός χαρτογράφησης και ανάλυσης εμπλεκομένων μερών [summary] [deliverable]
C.1 Field implementation of the Action Plans (APs) for species and habitats
Αnnual Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) census at roosting sites [summary] [deliverable]
Standard population monitoring protocols for three vulture species (Griffon, Cinereous, Bearded Vulture) in Greece [summary] [deliverable]
-> Monitoring Protocols for Griffon Vulture
-> Monitoring Protocol for Bearded Vulture
-> Monitoring Protocols for Cinereous Vulture
Critical habitats assessment (sensitivity mapping) of Griffon Vulture in Greece [περίληψη] [deliverable] [map] [geodata]
Interim Report on Action Plans implementation [summary] [deliverable]
Report on the population monitoring results for Griffon, Bearded and Cinereous Vulture in Greece in 2022 [summary] [deliverable]
Feasibility Study for the population reinforcement of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Greece [summary] [deliverable]
C.2 Pilot implementation of selected NATURA 2000 sites Management Plans (MPs) in four Greek Regions
Selected Natura 2000 sites for MPs pilot implementation [summary] [deliverable]
C.3 Development and Operation of a Decision Support System (DSS) for NATURA 2000 site management
C.4 Creation of an interactive and interoperable Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS)/webGIS for ecosystem services visualization and monitoring
C.5 Stakeholder Capacity Building
First report on stakeholder capacity building [summary] [deliverable]
Second report on stakeholder capacity building [summary] [deliverable]
Capacity building material (2020-2021) [summary] [deliverable]
C.6 Implementing Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES) at pilot studies
Participatory model for decision making and decision support system [summary] [deliverable]
Report on validation of ES qualitative and quantitative assessments’ methodology for each pilot study [summary]
Ecosystem type maps at local (case study) scale / large scale [summary]
Ecosystem Services maps at local (case study) scale / large scale [summary]
Digital database of ES and report on high importance Priority Ecosystem types at each pilot study [summary]
Report on integrated natural capital accounting for the case-study areas [summary]
Guidelines for Integrating MAES in MPs specifications [summary]
C.7 Establishment of conservation objectives for SACs and SPAs
Ministerial Decision for the legal approval of Conservation Objectives at national level (Official Government Gazette) (error correction) (amendment)
Ministerial Decision for the legal approval of Conservation Objectives at SAC level (Official Government Gazette)
Ministerial Decision for the legal approval of Conservation Objectives at SPA level (Official Government Gazette)
Report for setting Conservation Objectives for the natural habitats and species of community importance (summary) (deliverable)
Report for setting conservation objectives for avifauna species of community importance (deliverable)
D.1 Monitoring of the project's contribution to the implementation of the Greek Prioritised Action Framework (PAF) 2014-2020, the overall progress of the Greek PAF 2014-2020, the drafting/revision of the Greek PAF 2021-2027 and the success of the capacity building actions
Monitoring protocol of the Greek PAF 2014-2020 [summary] [deliverable]
Monitoring protocol of the contribution of the project to the Greek PAF 2014-2020 implementation [summary] [deliverable]
1st report on the monitoring of the project’s contribution to the PAF 2014-2020 implementation [summary] [deliverable]
2nd report on the monitoring of the project’s contribution to the PAF 2014-2020 implementation [summary] [deliverable]
Greek PAF 2021-2027 [deliverable] [deliverable in English]
1st report on capacity building monitoring [summary] [deliverable]
D.2 Monitoring the environmental impact of the implementation of Natura 2000 sites Management Plans (MPs)
D.3 Monitoring the environmental impact of the implementation of the APs at national scale
D.4 Monitoring of the project’s ecosystem functions
D.5 Monitoring of the project’s socio-economic impact
Ε.1 Communication and dissemination
Project brochure – 1st edition (EL)
Project brochure – 2nd edition (EL)
Project brochure – 3nd edition (EN)
Project brochure – 4th edition (EL)
Project brochure – 5th edition (EN)
Nature’s invisible services (tvc)
Nature’s invisible services (radio spot)
Factsheet #1 – The Natura 2000 Network
Factsheet #3 – Ecosystem services
Factsheet #4 – Species and habitats Action Plans
Intermediary public opinion survey results [summary] [deliverable]
Strategic communication campaign and dissemination plan [summary] [deliverable]
Comms and dissemination plan (update 2021) [summary]
Ε.2 Replication and transfer of project results and achievements nationally and on an EU level
F.1 Project Structure and Management
F.2 Coordination of Complementary Funds
1st Report on the implementation of Complementary Actions and mobilisation of Complementary Funds [summary] [deliverable]
2nd Report on the implementation of Complementary Actions and mobilisation of Complementary Funds [summary] [deliverable]